Experiences of obstetric violence experienced by parturients

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Maria do Socorro Santos de Oliveira
Victor Sebastião Carvalho da Rocha
Teresa Maria Siqueira Nascimento Arrais
Sabrina Martins Alves
Amanda de Andrade Marques
Dayanne Rakelly de Oliveira
Milana Drumond Ramos Santana


Introduction: Violence has many faces and, in this context, may occur in the setting of health institutions obstetric violence, act or conduct based on gender, causing death, damage or suffering of a physical, sexual or psychological nature to women, both in the public sphere and in private. Objective: To analyze the labor and delivery experiences of women who suffered obstetric violence. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study with qualitative approach, developed at Primary Health Centers (UBS) of the municipality of Juazeiro do Norte, southern region of Ceará, Brazil. Women registered in UBS of this city who suffered obstetric violence were invited to participate in the study. The inclusion criteria were women who were mothers in a period of up to six months and who suffered obstetric violence. Data collection used a semi-structured interview, using the data saturation criterion. The interpretation of the results used the content analysis technique. Results: The study showed that these women felt fear, insecurity and were actually scared to be in the maternity setting. It revealed the need for care change, and the need for more clarity, even for professionals, on obstetric violence. These women do not know for sure what obstetric violence is and the way they suffered this violence. Finally, the study showed that this violence affects the bond of the mother-child binomial. Conclusion: It is necessary to provide humanized and qualified assistance to these women at this very delicate and important time in their lives.


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Oliveira, M. do S. S. de, Rocha, V. S. C. da, Arrais, T. M. S. N., Alves, S. M., Marques, A. de A., Oliveira, D. R. de, & Santana, M. D. R. (2019). Experiences of obstetric violence experienced by parturients. ABCS Health Sciences, 44(2). https://doi.org/10.7322/abcshs.v44i2.1188
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