Facilities and difficulties in implementation of the tuberculosis control program in Primary Health Care

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Sandy Yasmine Bezerra e Silva
Eliabe Rodrigues de Medeiros
Sérgio Balbino da Silva
Rayla Patrícia da Silva Andrade
Aline Ale Beraldo
Érika Simone Galvão Pinto


Introduction: The Brazilian National Tuberculosis Control Program was created to recommend and direct clinical actions, organizational setting, information systems and surveillance of tuberculosis. The process of implementation of control actions in Primary Care took place in several formats and with different outcomes, due to the influences of local organizational configuration. Objective: To identify the facilities and difficulties reported by nurses in the implementation of the Tuberculosis Control Program in Primary Health Care. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, conducted in the city of Natal, Brazil. Data collected from November from 2017 to February 2018, with 80 nurses from Primary Health Care, through a structured questionnaire. Data were categorized according to similarity criteria and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The availability of nurses to work in the program (47.5%) and the presence of materials (31.2%) were the most frequently mentioned facilities. The most frequently mentioned difficulties were: adherence to treatment (21.2%) and the performance of complementary tests (15.0%). Conclusion: The findings of the study may contribute to reflection and planning of actions by health teams, as well as a tool for local managers to organize their services, in order to ensure the person with tuberculosis comprehensive care.


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Silva, S. Y. B. e ., Medeiros, E. R. de ., Silva, S. B. da ., Andrade, R. P. da S. ., Beraldo, A. A., & Pinto, Érika S. G. . (2021). Facilities and difficulties in implementation of the tuberculosis control program in Primary Health Care. ABCS Health Sciences, 46, e021204. https://doi.org/10.7322/abcshs.2019132.1396
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