Knowledge of the self facing the experience of illness by cancer and palliative care

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Francielly Zilli
Stefanie Griebeler Oliveira
Franciele Roberta Cordeiro
Juliana Graciela Vestena Zillmer


Introduction: The illness of an oncological disease provides experiences capable of modifying the body and the subjects' ways of life. Objective: To analyze how the knowledge of the self occurs facing the experience of illness by cancer and palliative care. Methods: This is a qualitative case study research based on post-critical theories, specifically in Foucault Studies. The participants were six patients who were experiencing cancer and palliative care, linked to a home hospitalization service. The data were collected from March to June 2018, based on open interviews, participant observation, and speech instigation through the use of occupational therapist therapeutic activities. The analysis occurred based on problematizations. Results: From the statements, different ways of getting sick were identified, from diagnosis to their approach to death, causing changes in the body, way of living, and in the perception of oneself from a life-threatening disease. Conclusion: Finally, we concluded that different ways of experiencing cancer and palliative care provided different modes of subjectivation. The lack of self-recognition was confronted by bodily changes and consequently by limitations, so the way this experience was lived reflected in the way they thought about the end of life.


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How to Cite
Zilli, F., Oliveira, S. G., Cordeiro, F. R., & Zillmer, J. G. V. (2021). Knowledge of the self facing the experience of illness by cancer and palliative care. ABCS Health Sciences, 46, e021211.
Original Articles
Author Biography

Francielly Zilli, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) – Florianópolis (SC), Brazil.

Programa de Pós Graduação em Enfermagem


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