Oral health conditions of institutionalized older adults and associated factors

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Raul Anderson Domingues Alves da Silva
Gemakson Mikael Mendes
Jéssica Soares de Sousa
Walda Viana Brigido de Moura
Rômulo Rocha Regis
Ana Karine Macedo Teixeira


Introduction: The growth of the Brazilian older adult population has influenced the increased demand for institutionalization for this public, which usually has poor oral health conditions such as edentulism. Objective: To characterize the oral health conditions and verify the variables related to the edentulism of institutionalized older adults and verify the relation of the time of institutionalization with oral health. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted with 512 institutionalized older adults in which the sociodemographic profile, general health conditions, and oral health care and conditions were evaluated by clinical exams, consultations of medical records, and structured questionnaires. The data were analyzed in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences using the Pearson Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests and a logistic regression model using a 95% confidence level. Results: A high DMFT (29.4), high prevalence of complete edentulism (61.3%), high need for maxillary (73.6%), and mandibular oral rehabilitation (56.8%) were observed. Edentulism was associated with older age (p<0.001), lower schooling (p<0.001) and non-retirement (p=0.031). It was found that longer institutionalization time remained associated with edentulism even when adjusted by sociodemographic and general health variables (p=0.013). It was also associated with the absence of brushing (p=0.024) and a lower frequency of tooth, gum, and prosthesis brushing (p<0.001). Conclusion: It is suggested to establish oral health care routines within long-term institutions for the effective maintenance of oral health throughout the institutionalization time.


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Silva, R. A. D. A. da, Mendes, G. M., Sousa, J. S. de, Moura, W. V. B. de, Regis, R. R., & Teixeira, A. K. M. (2022). Oral health conditions of institutionalized older adults and associated factors. ABCS Health Sciences, 48, e023202. https://doi.org/10.7322/abcshs.2020186.1632
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