Temporal trend, spatial distribution and factors associated with detection and mortality from viral hepatitis B and C in Brazil (2010–2019)

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Lucas Vinícius de Lima
Gabriel Pavinati
Elton Carlos de Almeida
Nelly Lopes de Moraes Gil
Vanessa Denardi Antoniassi Baldissera
Gabriela Tavares Magnabosco


Introduction: The elimination of viral hepatitis stands out as one of the goals on the agenda for 2030, particularly due to its significant impact on public health. Objective: To analyze the temporal trends, spatial distribution, and factors associated with the detection and mortality of viral hepatitis B and C in Brazil from 2010 to 2019. Methods: An ecological study focusing on Brazilian regions and federative units. Annual detection and mortality rates were calculated, trend analysis was conducted using polynomial regression models, thematic maps were developed for spatial distribution, and the Spearman correlation coefficient was used to assess the association with seven socioeconomic indicators. Results: Brazil exhibited a decreasing trend in detection and mortality rates for hepatitis. The Southern and Northern regions showed the highest rates of hepatitis B, with decreasing and stable trends, respectively. The highest rates of hepatitis C were observed in the Southern and Southeast regions, both showing a declining trend. Hepatitis B detection was highest in Acre and Rondônia, while hepatitis C detection was highest in Rio Grande do Sul and Acre. An increase in hepatitis C detection and a decline in mortality were observed in Pará and Acre. Hepatitis detection was inversely related to the illiteracy rate and directly associated with the human development index, life expectancy, and per capita income. Conclusion: Regional and state disparities were evident regarding the behavior of viral hepatitis B and C in Brazil, with locations having better development indices exhibiting higher detection rates.


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How to Cite
Lima, L. V. de, Pavinati, G., Almeida, E. C. de, Gil, N. L. de M., Baldissera, V. D. A., & Magnabosco, G. T. (2025). Temporal trend, spatial distribution and factors associated with detection and mortality from viral hepatitis B and C in Brazil (2010–2019). ABCS Health Sciences, 50, e025204. https://doi.org/10.7322/abcshs.2023164.2735
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