Perceptions of health students on obesity

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Juliana Kessar Cordoni
Vanessa Keiko Rossaka
Lígia de Fátima Nóbrega Reato


Introduction: The incidence of overweight and obesity, as well as the related complications and comorbidities, has emerged as a current major public health issue. It requires the involvement of various professionals in a multidisciplinary combination for the prevention, promotion, and recovery of physical and psychosocial health of overweight or obese people. Objective: To identify the perceptions of health students on obesity, in order to contribute with questions and reflections about their formation and performance in the treatment of overweight/obesity. Methods: This survey was carried out by presenting pictures, followed by the use of a questionnaire addressed to students from health university courses, and subsequent qualitative and quantitative analyses of the answers. Results: Respondents recognized the importance of treating obesity, as well as the need for concern on health aspects; however, results indicate the existence of rejection and criticism about obesity in most respondents. Conclusion: The results are a warning that the obesity issue needs to be better addressed in training courses in the health area in order to reduce negative effects of rejection/criticism during the treatment of these patients. Considering the impact of psychological and emotional aspects of the professionals involved in the treatment and scarce technical-scientific literature on the topic, it is suggested the production of other studies as well as improvement of approach and awareness of the students on the obesity issue as an eating disorder of public relevance.


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How to Cite
Cordoni, J. K., Rossaka, V. K., & Reato, L. de F. N. (2014). Perceptions of health students on obesity. ABCS Health Sciences, 39(3).
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