Nurses´ perspectives on practices from problematization: Convergent-care research

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Bruno da Silva Santos
Suellen Rodrigues de Oliveira Maier
Renata Marien Knupp Medeiros
Michele Salles da Silva
Mariana Silva Vieira Fachim
Marília Duarte Valim
Marcos Vítor Naves Carrijo


Introduction: Nursing care in critical units requires knowledge and much attention from the professionals who perform it, especially in the decision-making process, as they are decisive for maintaining the life of others. Objective: To investigate the nurses’ perspective about their practices from the problematization with educational strategy. Methods: This is a descriptive, convergent care study with four nurses from the coronary unit of a hospital in southern Mato Grosso. Data were collected during the development of the convergence group, and the statements were recorded and transcribed in full and subsequently analyzed following the precepts of Minayo's thematic analysis. Results: The data that emerged from the interviews were translated into three cores of meaning: “Establishing the points”, “From theory to practice” and “The change in reality”, following the methodological proposal of Charles Maguerez. Conclusion: It was found that there are limits in nurses' understanding of their practices in the unit. However, the chosen educational strategy provided these professionals with the possibility of new actions in the work context.


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Santos, B. da S., Maier, S. R. de O., Medeiros, R. M. K., Silva, M. S. da, Fachim, M. S. V., Valim, M. D., & Carrijo, M. V. N. (2020). Nurses´ perspectives on practices from problematization: Convergent-care research. ABCS Health Sciences, 45, 1317.
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