Effect of kinesio tape application on the lymphatic system during knee arthroscopy surgery

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Luana Fernanda Voinaroski
Débora Melo Mazzo
Dalton Berri
Marcio Henrique Neves Leite
Juliana Carvalho Schleder


Introduction: To control edema, physical therapy employs several techniques, such as elastic bandages application - Kinesio tape (KT) - to block or drain subcutaneous body fluids, due to the secondary effects of its elastic properties. Objective: To evaluate the effect kinesio tape application on the lymphatic system during knee arthroscopy surgery. Methods: Controlled clinical trial, with 28 patients, alternately divided into two groups (intervention and control) referred to arthroscopic surgical treatment of anterior cruciate ligament and meniscus injuries. Patients were evaluated in the preoperative and, on the 1st postoperative day, while the intervention group received KT application for the lymphatic system in the intraoperative period. Results: The intervention group showed statistically significant results in the non-formation of edema, according to perimetric (Point 2: p=0.010, Point 3: p≤0.001 and Point 4: p≤0.001) and ultrasound (p=0.007) analyses when compared to the control group. On the other hand, pain (p=0.056) did not present a significant difference, but in the intragroup comparison pre and postoperative, a considerable reduction (p=0.002) was observed. Conclusion: KT application for the lymphatic system in the intraoperative period of knee arthroscopy effectively minimized edema formation and reduced pain.


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How to Cite
Voinaroski, L. F., Mazzo, D. M., Berri, D., Leite, M. H. N., & Schleder, J. C. (2024). Effect of kinesio tape application on the lymphatic system during knee arthroscopy surgery. ABCS Health Sciences, 49, e024217. https://doi.org/10.7322/abcsh.2023016.1792
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