Use of psychoactive substances in students at a public university

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Meire Luci da Silva
Franciele Santos Rego
Nathalia Fagundes Roque
Vitor Engrácia Valenti


Introduction: The use of psychoactive substances by the student population has been the object of various studies in Brazil. Objective: To determine the prevalence of substance use among students. Methods: Quantitative study with a closed questionnaire based on standardized assessment instruments was developed. It consists of questions related to types of psychoactive substance use, abuse, frequency and duration of use, self-criticism regarding the use, consequences of use in relation to health, and misdemeanors committed under the influence of psychoactive substances. The sample included the participation of 268 students. A total of 183 (68.3%) questionnaires were analyzed, and only those with positive result for substance abuse at some point in life, the remainder, 85 (31%) questionnaires, had negative responses to psychoactive substances. Results: Students’ responses to the two years surveyed indicated that the first psychoactive substance used was alcohol (77.9%), followed by tobacco use (10.9%), and marijuana (7.6%). Of the students surveyed, 145 (79.2%) answered that still make use of psychoactive substances, and the current frequency of use varies from one or more times per week. When asked about the possibility of being or becoming drug addicts, 169 (92.3%) responded that they are not or will not become dependent. Conclusion: The results indicate the high rate of substance use among college students surveyed, and point to their contradiction to consider such psychoactive substances harmful to their health.


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How to Cite
Silva, M. L. da, Rego, F. S., Roque, N. F., & Valenti, V. E. (2014). Use of psychoactive substances in students at a public university. ABCS Health Sciences, 39(3).
Original Articles


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