Publication priority for studies about COVID-19 is finished
From now on, articles on COVID-19 will be published following the sequence of the approval date, as every other articles.
ABCS Health Sciences is an open access journal for contributions from the international scientific community in the field of Health Sciences, specially studies involving inter and multidisciplinary approaches.
From now on, articles on COVID-19 will be published following the sequence of the approval date, as every other articles.
Vol. 50 (2025)
Published: 2025-02-17
ABCS Health Sciences journal (Print ISSN 2318-4965, Electronic ISSN 2357-8114) is a publication of the Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisa e Assessoria à Saúde (NEPAS) from Centro Universitário FMABC.
ABCS Health Sciences journal is published since 2013 continuing the Arquivos Brasileiros de Ciências da Saúde (ISSN 1983-2451) and Arquivos Médicos do ABC (ISSN 0100-3992). Access to articles published in previous titles should be done through specific pages on the Portal NEPAS: Arquivos Brasileiros de Ciências da Saúde and Arquivos Médicos do ABC